Someone is going to become a millionaire by making a "Bitcoin browser." (A "Tim-Berners Lee" moment.)

We're going to see a “Tim Berners-Lee moment” soon that completely demystifies Bitcoin for the mainstream user in the same way Tim demystified internet access by inventing the browser.

Whoever does this is going to make a blind fortune.

At the moment, the public is extremely confused by Bitcoin. “Is it a real coin as well as digital? What is a blockchain? What on earth is an eWallet? How to I change my $ into Bitcoin?

It is also incredibly convoluted to use. What's desperately needed is an app that's as simple and easy to use as a browser, then Bitcoin will go mainstream with explosive speed.

The bottom line is that users simply don’t need to know what a blockchain is, what eWallets and paper Wallets are and how they work. Truth is there's no money in the eWallet, it's all in the Blockchain so the ‘wallet’ term is stupidly confusing. Nor do they need to know about private and public keys either. That's like needing to be a qualified mechanic to own and drive a car. Most people haven't a clue what goes on under the hood of a 2017 Ford Focus, and they don't need to. They just put fuel, oil and water in, and know how to switch it on, and sometimes get new tyres. But that’s it.

We sorely need an app that simplifies the process of using Bitcoin to a few clicks.

All the user needs to know is the following:

  1. Bitcoin is digital money
  2. There is a digital bank. (You don't need to know it's called the "blockchain".)
  3. You have an account with a user name and password. (You don't need to know those are public and private keys.)
  4. You can instantly send money from your account to another account. (Forget the term ‘wallet’ it's just confusing.)

An opportunity awaits a coder somewhere to create an app that does the same thing Tim Berners-Lee did. He simplified access to the internet by inventing a browser that automatically carries out all the complex internet access and display actions, behind the scenes unseen.

Users simply do not need to know how it works.

The Bitcoin app will reside on your computer or phone. It will hide all the crypto complexity and have an elegantly simple, beautifully designed interface with just a few, easy to follow buttons, and a space for your password.

Here’s how it might work:

Download and install the “Bitcoin app”, then open it. The app will generate a unique user name and password. Keep that somewhere safe, just like you do now with your bank login. (Note: I won’t get into how you buy Bitcoin for $ and get it into your Bitcoin account. That’s another issue for which there is an elegantly simple solution that will easily defeat any bank or government attempting to stop it. I’ll make another post about that.)

On the dashboard of the app you'll see your Bitcoin balance. There’s also a place to enter a payee's account number, amount, and a submit button. Just decide who you are sending money to, enter account number and amount, and hit submit.

Seconds later they’ll have their payment.

Finish. Done.

All the complicated public and private key, ewallet and blockchain arcane techie nonsense is done behind the scenes. The user needs to know nothing about that.

So.... who will be the next Tim Berners-Lee?

Submitted September 24, 2017 at 10:23AM by BillRollo


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