Forbes article: "We Need To Shut Bitcoin And All Other Cryptocurrencies Down. Here's Why." & My Response
We Need To Shut Bitcoin And All Other Cryptocurrencies Down. Here's Why.
You've got to be kidding me with this absolute garbage. Read it for yourself, but the guy is wrong about almost everything he says. It looks like clickbait, but it's in Forbes and I thought Forbes was a respectable publication. When are journalists going to start taking their publications seriously when it comes to cryptocurrency? Why is this Jason Bloomberg dope the "president" of a tech company?
I got so incensed about it that I pushed out a response article of my own. Read it and give me some feedback, or don't -- either way, understand that this is the kind of ignorance we're up against in the crypto world. Dinosaurs who think that the whole idea of a decentralized system is so dangerous that it should just be made illegal.
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." It looks like we're getting to the "fight you" stage.
Submitted March 11, 2018 at 10:11AM by MalcolmRoseGaming
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