My Binance account was blocked 3 weeks ago and support has just simply ignored me. Have I lost all of my money?

Dear Binance u/Jager_Binance,

3 weeks ago you blocked my account and after a long conversation because of my “security issue”, still nothing.

My account is 3rd level verified, allowing me to take out more than 100 Bitcoins per day, the account isn’t inactive or suspicious. As soon as I noticed my account was frozen, I applied to have it unfrozen, but then you cancelled that and responded me with documents request and I gave you at least five documents you asked for in order to verify it was really me and even had a more than hour-long video call with you.

I’ve done everything you’ve asked by the strong deadlines you’ve given, and then you just ignore me and don’t answer me at all. I can’t get any information from you about the process of unblocking my account and you still have all of my money; I can’t get any of it back. Could you please answer me and give me a reason for all of this?

Everything you’ve said to this point hasn’t been true or according to your rules. I’d really appreciate some clarity and some answers.


What I’d like to know is, what is the real reason for blocking my account? Please PM me!

Why are you ignoring me? Could you comment on this? Why do I have to make all these things public just to attract your attention?


That was an official Binance answer before they blocked me in their official subreddit

u/Jager_Binance I have already provided EVERYTHING you have requested and more! Why are you still ignoring me after 2 weeks of conversations? You’ve given me no choice but to make it public. 3 messages without any reply!

Submitted September 26, 2018 at 05:52PM by skilledguyfx


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