3/Jan/2019 Proof of Trust Event, 10yr Audit

The time has come for us to test what we have created. Trust in numbers yet we trust in exchanges, in people, in corporations.

On the 3rd of January 2019, 10 years on, let us all have withdrawn our BTC to wallets we control. Let's see if it is all there, let us see who fails, let us see the network work.

We lose nothing, we risk nothing, those companies and exchanges that cannot be trusted will be exposed.

We must assert control, we must prove this is ours.

We need a time to coordinate, 16:00 UTC 03/Jan/2019 is as good as any other. By this hour let us have concluded our transactions and hold our coins in our wallets.

04/Jan/2019 we return to business as usual, with renewed confidence.

Submitted December 17, 2018 at 04:16AM by sotashi https://ift.tt/2PKZCn6


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