Facebook libra coin is the best thing to happen to bitcoin so far..
I watched CNBC refer to bitcoin as "traditional" cryptocurrency inferring that libra is a new and weird version of bitcoin.
I watched a lady on fox business say we already have bitcoin why do we need this.
I watched a guy on CNBC say facebook coin isnt real money and neither is fiat as they are both unbacked so why would you waste time backing a new currency with fiat.
I watched a guy on bloomberg ask how can you allow the privacy and self sovereignty that bitcoin allows while keeping regulators happy.
I watched all of those news anchors ask the head of libra what are you going to do with all our financial data once you get it? How are you going to make money off of us?
Its almost like facebook coin is bringing about the aha Moment for all these news anchors and their millions of viewers! It is bringing so much legitimacy to bitcoin it is insane. All of a sudden bitcoin is the "traditional" and private version of facebook coin.
I have never been more convinced of bitcoins future than I am right now.
Libra is our 1996 AOL moment, mainstream adoption is coming within the next few short years.
Submitted June 19, 2019 at 01:45AM by slvbtc http://bit.ly/31D9cQ5
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