Lightning is so EASY

Well, I'd read Lightning was complicated. But I've just downloaded Zap for Desktop (I don't have a smartphone). And it's just so easy.

It started automatically and showed me the passphrase which I wrote down. It invited me to set up a password which I did. It then showed me a 'fund wallet' address following which it spent 6 minutes ‘Fetching latest data from the blockchain’.

I closed down and restarted to check the password, changed to 'Light' settings (Dark~=invisible), selected Autopilot and, well, that's it. Done. I have a working Lightning wallet. The Receive and Pay options are intuitive.

Now, maybe most of you already know how easy a Lightning wallet is to set up and use - I didn't. If I, as a non-techie, find Lightning this easy, everyone will.

Submitted July 21, 2019 at 05:50PM by fulber34


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