Paxful takes 0.0005 BTC (5 bucks) to send outgoing transactions, yet sends them at 12 sats/Byte
Paxful takes 0.0005 BTC (5 bucks) to send outgoing transactions.
They batch 12 transactions together, so 12 * 5 = 60 dollars.
They send the transactions at 12 sats/Bytes, paying 0.0004 btc for the total transaction (4 dollars).
So that's 54 dollars profit on the detriment of regular people who have wait 1-2 hours before their transactions confirm and still pay top dollar for it.
Why is this allowed? Why is nobody talking about it?
I made a post about it on /r/paxful, they deleted it a few hours later.
Edit : Actually, it's 37 transactions batched together, which makes their profit 185 dollars instead of 60.
Submitted August 24, 2019 at 07:11PM by bitit_devil
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