Recovered my 4 year old wallet
I am super stoked about this. A long time ago (2011-2015), on an old machine (an iMac), I used Armory. I was selling that old machine, so I swept my keys into an electrum wallet, and I replaced the hard drive that was in it knowing one day I would come back to it.
Well, a couple years after that, I had issues because I couldn't access the files from that hard drive without another mac (trust me, I tried. I password protected that hard drive so only booting it from a legit mac would grant me access to it). And, I lost my paper backup... Luckily, my friend had an old mac mini he let me borrow, and I sat on it for about another 2 years.
Today, I finally pulled my wallet off, and could not remember the password I put on the wallet. Thank god for the btcrecover tool, because that cracked my password in under a second (I remembered what it could of been, but not exactly. I would have not guessed what it actually was).
It's not a huge amount of bitcoin. But it was more than I remembered keeping (more than 1). Still face-palming though at some of my transactions. I had my armory wallet going back to 2012. Sooooo many bitcoins went through that wallet, mining on slush with my petty mac GPU. I had one of the first OG ASIC butterfly 60GH/s miners too. If only I had kept more, I could quit my day job now. Oh well.
But, I thought I'd share an antitheses to the old "I lost my old wallet. please help!!!" posts. Probably going to continue sitting on it for a few more years. And now that I've regained interest, I'm going to start running a full node again. To the moon!
Submitted October 28, 2019 at 04:20AM by timeddilation
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