After a year of learning & coding I'm super excited to announce the release of Moonshine, a Bitcoin wallet





Moonshine's key features include:

  • Bitcoin/Litecoin Mainnet & Testnet support
  • Bech32
  • Coin Control
  • RBF functionality
  • Multiple wallets
  • Support for both random and custom Electrum servers.
  • Biometric + Pin authentication
  • Custom fee selection
  • BIP39 Passphrase functionality
  • Support for Segwit-compatible & legacy addresses in settings
  • Support for individual private key sweeping
  • UTXO blacklisting
  • Ability to Sign & Verify Messages
  • Broadcast raw transactions

Special shout-out to the beta testers, amazing developers and people in this space! I sent this message in the last beta build prior to release, but in case you didn't see it:

Thank you for the amazing encouragement, support and critical feedback you have provided throughout the development of Moonshine. I'm constantly surprised how wonderfully supportive and helpful this community is. I have learned so much from everyones sheer willingness to share their knowledge and support. Thank you for helping me learn. Thank you for making Moonshine a joy to develop. Thank you for being awesome.

Now that Moonshine is released I'm looking forward to implementing new features, continue working on bug fixes and ramping up development of it's Bitcoin Lightning-enabled variant, Moonshine Lightning. There's no better way to learn than to build.

Onwards & Upwards!

Submitted February 17, 2020 at 07:53PM by corey_phillips


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