With the next halving, the BTC inflation rate will drop below the US dollar inflation rate.
With the next halving, the BTC inflation rate will drop below the US dollar inflation rate.
This will be new territory for Bitcoin, never seen before.
BTC inflation rate is about 3.67% right now. source: https://www.bitcoinblockhalf.com/
US Dollar inflation rate is about 2.5% right now. source: https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/current-inflation-rates/
After the halving, the BTC inflation rate will drop to 1.8%.
Furthermore I am of the personal opinion that economic fallout from China's Covid19 actions will trigger a global recession, and a severe one at that. I suspect many governments will inflate their currencies even more than they already do.
Regardless, Bitcoin is entering uncharted territory for the first time in its existence.... beating the US dollar in an important benchmark. It will be close, but BTC will have the slight edge. I am not educated enough to predict ramifications of this, but it's not a trivial milestone.
Any thoughts on BTC passing the USD?
Submitted February 15, 2020 at 08:24PM by AManInBlack2017 https://ift.tt/2vwxgZb
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