I built a site to educate your friends and family on why Bitcoin matters

One thing I struggle with being a bitcoiner is convincing normal people why this thing should matter to them. There’s tons of great content out there on Bitcoin and associated ideas, but what I've read all seems to have a similar structure that makes it hard for normies to read:

  1. it starts with Bitcoin
  2. then shows some aspect of how Bitcoin works
  3. then (maybe!) shows how that aspect solves a real problem people face.

I think we lose 70-80% of people at step #1. The “it’s a bubble” / “I’ll just never understand it” / “some internet scammers” crowd. Then at #2, people start to get bored - they have no motivation because they can’t see how this connects to their life. At #3, maybe you still have 5% around and interested.

We can get normies to pay attention if we change the structure:

  1. Start with a real problem people face and care about
  2. Dig in to the root of that problem
  3. Show how a supply-constrained, globally-transactable, free-market money might solve that problem.

Then when they approach Bitcoin, it just makes sense.

I put together a site to do this at https://whatismoney.info.

So far I’m targeting basic questions I think curious people have but can’t find good answers for on boring, Keynesian websites like Investopedia and The Balance. Questions like “What is money?” “What is inflation?” and “What is Bitcoin?” My writing style is modeled on WaitButWhy.com, and I'd love to have similar illustrations to WBW to explain concepts on my site. I will take on Investopedia and others to make this the top site for learning about finance and economics.

Open to any feedback you have on the site, or help you can offer with design, illustrations, or writing.

I want my family and friends, and yours, to encounter these ideas and start to understand the rot at the core of our system. If you are a fellow missionary for this cause, comment below.

Submitted April 25, 2020 at 08:34PM by captainsidd https://ift.tt/353uTdW


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