Anthony Pompliano: “If bitcoin does not work we will never separate state and money.”

There’s only gonna be one currency, we get one about to separate money from the state, and that’s gonna be bitcoin. If bitcoin does not work we will never separate state and money. The reason why: is it all about trust. Money is not a technology problem it’s a trust problem and so when you think about a country where the currency astray also take Venezuela is kind of the preeminent example recently, everyone believed in the state currency, that state currency failed. When Venezuela shows up and says: “hey guys sorry about that” like “we have a second one, that’s like “here’s our new currency”, everyone’s like “I don’t trust, hell no I’m not putting my wealth there”, then they go seek other options whether that’s US dollars, gold, bitcoin whatever it is. Same thing I think happens here with the separation of state money. We have one shot on global stage to separate state money, if it doesn’t work it doesn’t matter what else comes along as a currency people will say “Oh separation of state money doesn’t work.”

Submitted June 22, 2020 at 08:56PM by silver99s_


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