If you're skeptical of Bitcoin, don't change.

The point of Bitcoin is that you SHOULD be skeptical. You should NOT blindly trust anything, or anyone. Bitcoin was made for you, because it is designed and published in the open. From the whitepaper to the source code to the transactions being transmitted over the network. The design is not hidden. It is available for you to scrutinize to an incredible detail that's never been seen before in monetary history. It welcomes skeptics with open arms.

If anything, we need more skeptical eyes. They are what make Bitcoin stronger and stronger.

And furthermore, with the prevalence of scams and shitcoins, skepticism is all the more important.

If you're NOT skeptical, you should be very worried for your own sake. And if you're skeptical and ALSO uninterested in understanding Bitcoin, I am sorry to say that is also a blindness. Being skeptical of everything out of only intuition and not actually looking deeper into what actually CAN be trusted will lead you to a blind dead end - you will likely be left on the wrong side of history.

Some of the most aggressive and most brilliant attackers have constantly been trying to break Bitcoin for the last 10 years and failed. And there are incredibly skeptical scientists, economists, and mathematicians who unequivocally trust Bitcoin through understanding it.

We all understand, Bitcoin can be scary.

The first people to contemplate flying on an airplane (outside of the inventors) thought it was complete madness. Incredible risk. How can you trust the physics and science of flying? Is the physics of flight actually reliable? As a regular Joe not into aerospace science, how can it be trusted?

Well, early on only the physicists and scientists had confidence in the plan because they knew what they were doing (except when they made mistakes as humans do). Slowly but surely, more people saw that it was safe. And they also accepted flying. And now, flying in an airplane is pretty much a standard way to travel long distance.

Yes, trusting Bitcoin with your money is scary as hell and it should be. Your money is no joke, you need it to survive. And yes, if you don't know what you're doing, you can screw up with Bitcoin (e.g. losing your keys is like opening the emergency exit on the plane and walking out to your death). But we're getting better at protecting you every day, with tools and education.

And there's a distinct advantage in being in Bitcoin early. Not just in terms of "financial gain" but even just taking the time to understand it puts you ahead in case you really need it someday. You don't need to trust it, to understand it. Because someday, everyone may be using it (like the phone, the airplane, the internet) and you can either keep up or be left behind.

Join us, for magical internet money!

Submitted June 21, 2020 at 02:29PM by anon517 https://ift.tt/311VGr3


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