Last week 511 BTC were traded in Venezuela using LocalBitcoin (up from 475 BTC), buying BTC with FIAT and selling BTC for FIAT. 511 BTC are 959,197,000,000 Bs. (Bolivares). One BTC is around 1,970,000,000 Bs. Monthly minimum wage is 5 USD (50,000 satoshis)
Hi guys,
I'm Venezuelan living here and have taken the time to track and share this weekly numbers.
Considering now the goverment is officially taking BTC to pay for passports,
I think a part of that weekly Localbitcoin volumen comes directly for the goverment. It has been around 2,000 BTC monthly for months! (only measured using LocalBitcoin, there are other exchanges like AIRTM, Uphold, Binance and so on, but no open data). Most of the Localbitcoin trades are in Bolivares.
I recommend reading this website, it is one of the best english websites for Venezuela news (they sometimes touch the crypto and economic situation).
People always ask what the the average salary, not the minimum. Well I would say around 20-50 USD monthly. One doctor is around 30 USD. Teacher around 20 USD. Junior engineer maybe 50 USD (The engineers collegue "suggests" around 200 USD monthly, but it is hard to find a place with these wages)
Any question let me know, AMA. But check my links and sources first.
LBTC listings
Submitted June 24, 2020 at 05:45PM by WorkingLime
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