I’m investing in my sisters future

I have 2 sisters and decided last week I was going to order a hardware wallet and slowly add bitcoin to it overtime. I’m already at $165. I’m planning on getting a second for my other sister in the next few months.

My plan is to let them know/give them the present once they graduate in 1-2 years. I’m going to give them the option of taking the wallet and not taking any out until it teachers 1btc atleast or I will give them the cash equivalent of what’s saved at the time, probably 1k each.

Just thought this was a great idea I would share. My plan is to teach them about BTC while investing in their futures.

I’m 23 if that helps so they’re both 20 or under and not familiar with crypto or investing in general

Submitted July 23, 2020 at 05:19AM by TheMycTrader https://ift.tt/2CDOpUH


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