In the last 100 days, the number of Bitcoins in the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) has increased by more than 78000. These coins are locked for 6 months too.

I had made a similar thread 100 days ago.

The following is a simple table showing the number of bitcoins in the GBTC as seen on its page here on the given days.

Date Number of btc in GBTC
31 Dec 2017 170,000
31 Dec 2018 204,390
26 July 2019 239,513
26 Oct 2019 257798
7 Feb 2020 283,192
27 Apr 2020 312886
1 May 2020 323262
17 May 2020 (100 days ago) 343954
3 July 2020 386658
27 Aug 2020 (latest today) 422308

Number of bitcoins acquired in last ~100 days: 422308 - 343954= 78354

The rate of acquiring bitcoin in gbtc had accelerated after the start of April 2020, as you can see above in the table. At the rate of about 800 bitcoins per day that GBTC has bought every day for last 100 days, the GBTC is buying Bitcoins equal to about 85% ( 783/900) of all supply of newly minted Bitcoin.

And GBTC is just one of the many ETF's that people who don't want to fiddle with private keys etc, can use to acquire Bitcoin, albeit the largest one.

In this period, the MNC Microstrategy has bought a further 22k Bitcoin.

Submitted August 29, 2020 at 02:05PM by parakite


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