Just got a letter in the mail from the IRS.. Coinbase??

NEVER owned ANY funds in Coinbase. I simply had an account there and the IRS sent me a 6174-A. (Look this letter up for context)

I inquired on it with the IRS directly and was met with an “apology” over the phone, that they’re sending these to all CoinBase users whether they have funds or not..

This letter seemed a bit threatening to me in a sense for just having an account there..

Ugh. Has anyone else gotten this yet? I verified the letter is indeed legitimate and they’re in the process of mailing these in bulk since the IRS supposedly subpoenaed Coinbase’s account records...

Is there something I’m not updated on?

Submitted August 25, 2020 at 02:45AM by PissyPantsAmity https://ift.tt/3j9Stvt


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