As of block 650,000 there are 18499823.37744111 BTC in existence

Just ran the numbers on my node. If you audited the supply at the same block, you should have the same number.

{ "height": 650000, "bestblock": "0000000000000000000060e32d547b6ae2ded52aadbc6310808e4ae42b08cc6a", "transactions": 41429824, "txouts": 67327325, "bogosize": 5056099770, "hash_serialized_2": "745da4f4e1f749312faeb4431d3ed2aa899dce138c5bac3d9f304c03f8887754", "disk_size": 4108808771, "total_amount": 18499823.37744111 } 

Submitted September 26, 2020 at 04:44AM by bitbug42


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