Is it me or are these posts about BTC price, future price predictions & BTC mooning getting annoying now?
Not to say that I'm not happy about BTC price increasing but it seems like a lot of people here are just solely focused on BTC mooning so that they could eventually sell for grand profits; such a money oriented mindset when BTC is much more than that. Can we start getting more posts about the fundamentals of BTC, the problems it solves in the world, future applications, even weaknesses in BTC just to create healthy arguments?
All I'm saying is that we all know BTC will eventually rise in price to the point where the barrier of entry would be so high normal retail investors won't be able to get in, just because of how costly BTC will be in the future. So let's shift away from the "$" sign and look towards other great things that BTC provides and share those.
Lol it could be just me but I just find it so annoying seeing these posts in here everyday:
"500K hErE wE Go BoYs! To The Mo0n wE gO!" Lol like we get it BTC will moon shutup. Start talking about more important things please?
Submitted November 29, 2020 at 01:05AM by RuleJust7769
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