139 BTC were traded last week in Venezuela using LocalBitcoin. that amount was 7,248,595,000,000 Bs. (Bolivares, Venezuelan currency). Right now one BTC is around 55,000,000,000 Bs. This has been the lowest BTC volume since July 2016. Monthly minimim wage at 1.3 USD.

Hi guys, as I always post. I live here, last week cost of living has increased a lot, I think months ago you could "survive" with 50-60 USD monthly, now that is nothing. You need much more, it has been hitting hard.

This last week was the same, the volume traded is amost constant in USD that is why the decrease in BTC volume. Around 4-6 millons USD weekly.

Mostly miners, people sending remittances and store owners getting rid of their bolivares.

If you want to know something I'm here.

A lot of redditors have helped (not only me) somehow!






Submitted January 24, 2021 at 07:48PM by WorkingLime https://ift.tt/2MeEKIF


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