6 years ago I gave $1 tip (in bitcoin) to more than 1000 reddit users

My username says it all really, from november 2014 to january 2015 I manually sent $1 worth of Bitcoin to more than 1000 random reddit users (using /r/changetip bot, sadly no longer operational).

Back then a Bitcoin cost about $300 so I guess I should now change my username to Random170DollarTip ...

Spent about 2 Bitcoin on this little operation, don't regret a thing!

Original post from 6 years ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2s9le1/i_have_tipped_1_each_to_1000_people_on_reddit/

EDIT: Added a few comments I got after tipping people.

"Thank you for introducing me to BitCoin."

"do people even care about cryptocurrency anymore?"

"And why??"

"Cool, thanks! What is it?"

"Keep your fucking spam in /r/shitcoin, a**hole."

"That's cool! thanks!"

"Man, the bitcoin guys are getting desperate."


Submitted February 18, 2021 at 12:23PM by Random1DollarTip https://ift.tt/2ZtHjdo


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