As the hype and awareness and knowledge of bitcoin grows exponentially, along with its value, bitcoin will inevitably encounter hurdles and road blocks as it threatens the status quo. You already know this and it bears repeating again. Precisely because, in this world, especially currently and as we drag old paradigms into the future that are difficult to let go, wealth (and not necessarily wisdom) plays a crucial role in influence and direction of our society. As with any new technology, depending on who wields it, and the wisdom they have, the technology, which is inherently neutral, can either become a boon to our species and the world at large, or devolve into pathology and degrade our humanity and world. Examples are of course, the ability to harness nuclear energy, or more current, the internet itself. What holds the possibility for liberation, also contains the possibility for weaponization. As users, early adopters, and drivers of new technology we must remain humble and fo...