Please be cautious. Please do not take a loan to buy Bitcoin. Please only invest what you can afford to lose. Please warn the noobs.

People here turn completely brain dead during every bull run. Usually there is a strong consensus here on taking loans for buying bitcoin: ARE YOU A FUCKING IDIOT? But during the bull runs, you'll have a whole army of noobs trying to turn a Warren buffet on you saying shit like "wHy sHouLdnT I tAkE A LoAN nUmBeR oNlY gO UP!"

Remember people. We are not /r/wsb. We are not retards, we don't celebrate loss porn. Bitcoin is about financial freedom and debt is the fucking opposite of that. If you're stupid enough to buy the most volatile asset in the universe on leverage (which is what borrowing money is) you seriously need some help. We don't need you here, we don't need you to encourage others to follow your stupidity.

Please everyone, educate the noobs and tell them not to play with fire. Bitcoin is an almost safe bet, if your time horizon is very long. If you spend what you CAN'T afford to lose, you're gambling and you'll probably be REKT soon anyway.


Submitted May 29, 2021 at 12:26AM by ANAL-Inverter-2000


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