Bitcoiners need to be more tolerant of opposing views, no matter how unpopular they may be.
I consider myself an open-minded person who believes in innovation that will improve the world and make it a better place. I think the poor and underprivileged deserve a chance to improve their lives and I am not opposed to helping them out. However, I am against Bitcoin because it's obviously a scam.
Eventhough I don't really know how it works or how to use it, I have the feeling that it will not improve the world or make it a better place. I think I know what it is enough to judge it without needing to learn about it because the name sounds simple.
It's a coin on the internet.
Eventhough I will never pretend to know how physics, neuroscience or chemistry work, I know how bitcoin works without needing to learn about it. Eventhough I have no experience with decentralized systems, cryptography, peer-to-peer networks, or money itself, I have enough experience with scams and empty promises to know that Bitcoin is a scam.
I do think I am smarter than most people. Most people don't believe in Bitcoin. I , like 99% of the population, think Bitcoin is a scam and only morons would buy it. Because we are smart, we won't get scammed.
We don't need Bitcoin because it is not backed by anything. My money is backed by a government. I can trust my government because all governments are trustworthy and never print out too much money that will devalue our currency.
This is why house prices have been the same for the past 100 years, and are affordable for everyone. This is how my parents bought this house for us 50 years ago. Now if we sell it, we can make half a million dollars. This is thanks to the government.
Bitcoin is backed by what? It's backed by nothing. There is no government, no bank, no institution or company behind it. It's just a bunch of computers. Computers are untrustworthy. You can't trust a computer. Computers crash. They malfunction. You can trust the government because people are more trustworthy and uncorruptable.
And don't even mention the fossil fuels used by Bitcoin itself. This is just ridiculous. I don't want to be part of that. I don't want to contribute to destroying the planet. I consider myself a person who cares and protects the planet that's why I only use electric cars and eat organic.
Eventhough I understand poor people can't afford anything because their savings get devalued every year, I think their problems will be solved once they get a real job and work harder. Then they can retire in the house their parents bought them and contribute to our cause by getting their own electric cars.
Why do we even need to waste so much energy on Bitcoin when we have banks? Banks don't use up fossil fuels.
I have the feeling that the Bitcoin community is just full of greedy people who only care about making money. In my opinion, and in the opinion of almost everyone I know, only greedy people would buy something like that.
I don't have any experience. And I don't care about Bitcoin. It's irrelevant to my life. I won't use it and I don't want to use it.
Submitted June 29, 2021 at 12:31AM by kola401
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