There is no incentive to NOT use the lightning network. This is why I think bitcoin will succeed in the next decade for developing countries.
No, really, think about it. This is sort of like how some developing countries skipped going from setting up landline phone systems and went straight to developing smart phone infrastructure, 3g, 4g networks instead.
Also, the more people who use simple lightning wallets with simple interfaces, the more robust the system becomes.
EDIT: People are saying "lightning is too difficult" without doing proper research or even going to youtube, just watch andreas give a 3 minute explanation from nearly 2 years ago here ( There are some lightning apps that will scan a QR code and automatically determine whether it is a bitcoin blockchain address or a lightning URL address (just like Andreas said). You don't have to do any of that other complicated and cumbersome stuff either. Example -
Submitted June 28, 2021 at 12:33PM by sgtslaughterTV
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