There are presently only 74,718,782 TX outputs on the bitcoin block chain as of block height 697211 (as of this post's creation). That means that no matter how many adopters there are of bitcoin in the world, there are no more than 74,718,782 who truly hold their own keys.
Of course the real number of folks who truly have possession of their own keys is much much lower than that. Especially when considering how many UTXOs you have yourself. Remember, each transition is part of the UTXO and if you have sent bitcoin to the same address more than once then there are many UTXOs per bitcoin address with multiple transitions.
I think it's time for the community to wake up and have a renewed push for people to hold their own keys. Otherwise we will continue to be controlled by the legacy financial institutions who rehypothecate and commingle funds as well as manipulation through derivatives, leverage, exchanges front running their customers etc.
At the end of the day, they will fail to control the fait price once critical mass truly holds their own keys. Let's get this thing going and take our power back before it's too late!
Submitted August 23, 2021 at 09:16PM by BitcoinCanSaveUsAll https://ift.tt/3jbS3b2
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