This is all in Michael Saylor's own words from the full transcripts (bottom): “It all started for us with channeling energy…releasing a latent energy in matter—we’re converting matter into energy.” “Technologies that are dominating today, they’re dominating because they’re able to deliver force faster, harder, stronger, smarter...if it’s got the characteristic that it can be made harder, smarter, stronger, faster, there’s something compelling about it!" "The Roman Empire is a great model for the way that human beings interact with technology and the way that they interact with a competitive world and become both antifragile and get harder, smarter, faster, and stronger!" "The Roman way: there’s a certain submission to nature and the organism is greater than any one individual and any one family. It’s continually refreshing itself. We have to have a constant flow of new talent, new leadership." "It’s not that the Romans invented everything, it’s j...