$100 Dollars Worth of Gold & Bitcoin as of March 15, 2022.
$100 Dollars Worth of Gold & Bitcoin as of March 15, 2022.
This is a little project i am working on. I purchased $100 worth of gold and $100 worth of Bitcoin on March 15th 2022 and I plan to track the data until myself or bitcoin is dead. I personally believe bitcoin will be around long after i'm dead. The gold nugget is 1.61 grams and is equal to $100 as of March 15th, 2022 as well as the purchase of 240,313 satoshis also equal to $100. I then transferred the sats to an opendime that I initialized using a photo of myself holding pictures of Jerome Powell and Peter Schiff to generate the wallet address. The transaction confirmed in block 727525 (link).
I have some basic experience with framing and tried my hand at my own shadow box to float everything in. I found someone on etsy to carve me a trophy plaque for $7 and put everything together. The gold and opendime are mounted and floated on the heads of brad nails and mounted with a small bead of hot glue for each. They are secure enough to just sit on a desk or hang but not damage the items. I then pushed the nails through a piece of foam core that I mounted black felt to and added the plaque below with double stick tape.
I plan on tracking the data in google sheets and having a simple line graph mapping out the data points taken on the 15th of each month. I have a Twitter profile that i will use to post the data as this project goes on. follow me at: @ 100dollarsworth
I can also post updates to this reddit post once a month if anyone prefers to remindmebot.
Submitted March 28, 2022 at 05:29AM by shetoeshe https://ift.tt/XxUk7Vs
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