38 years of holding it in.

Saying it how it is. As someone who has gone through quite a bit in his life, especially as of late, I just feel like this is the time to get things off my chest and hopefully find others in the same situation and work towards helping each other and the world as a whole. 1st order of business, Working and the Economy. Something that needs to be taught and made clear to every person at a certain age is the world is set up “specifically” to get you into the workforce and then systematically drain you of all your money and freedoms. What I mean by that is, once you start working and creating income, the majority of people begin taking on debt. Major debt as in housing and transportation, which are the biggest and worst in terms of upfront cost. Then the smaller but much more tricky debt is the monthly payments you make for every service you need. Companies and advertisers have tricked people into thinking paying small monthly payments for things is the smarter way to purchase products. We used to buy things one and done but now all of the cost to develop and run products have been tossed onto the consumer and not the company. We have been pushed into a world where you can’t function in normal society without a cellphone and internet. If you don’t have 1 or both of them you are pretty much back in the 90s. Which for some people that’s fine but for most kids growing up they don’t have a home phone, most likely never have seen or used a paper road map, so getting around or talking to someone other than in your local area would be difficult. So there’s a minimum of $50-$250 you have to pay every month. If you have a car then you have a car payment ( most likely) and have to have car insurance to legally register and drive your car, which is a scam. Let’s throw our hard earned money away for no reason but to fill a companies pockets. I’ve been driving 22 years and never had an accident or used my insurance ever. My insurance has gone up every few months for no reason my entire driving career. I’ve switched companies and they all do the same thing. Slowly raise your rate for no reason. So roughly you need to make on average $1500-$2000 just to have a place to live, transportation, cell phone and all associated bills that go with these 3 life requirements. So what happens to the person who is being a good little robot and putting in their 40hrs and spending all their hard earned money on junk that society says they need. What happens when a tragic accident happens and that person has to leave their job and friends and entire life through no fault of theirs. What happens!! In this case the world and humanity have let this person down. The government is a joke and I’ve witnessed that first hand. Blatantly covering up facts to spin a story and cover up wrongdoing. Countless workplace violations regarding retaliation against employees, using government funds for personal purchases. If anyone thinks that this stuff isn’t happening in your small town or city you are very naive. Then we have the health care system that jokingly says it’s helping citizens while its real mission is to drain your bank account with over priced prescriptions and ridiculous health insurance premiums. You have citizens who have been through trauma that need help but the first thing you ask for is money. That’s not help!! The third culprit on this list of great human achievements is “People”! Over the last two years I have experienced the highest of high emotions and the lowest of lows. I’ve wanted to kill myself countless times….and I’ve wanted to live forever so that I could be with my fiancΓ© for all eternity. I’ve seen people look me straight in the eye and lie right to my face. I’ve had family members fight and steal money from each other and go crazy over conspiracy theories. Humans need to stop LYING to themselves and stop thinking we are compassionate beings. We are not, we are advanced animals at best. We do everything that animals do but the difference is, that all the negative things we do, we know we shouldn’t but we do them anyway. That’s not advanced, that’s stupidity. Clearly there are a few people who know how to act civilized but somehow they have become the silent minority. We have decided that the human race will be run by people with the loudest voice, not the best ideas. Clearly that hasn’t worked before so why not continue it. How is it that we continue to do the same things that have not worked before. Look at the world going back to the beginning of humanity. Civilizations rise and fall because they continue to follow the same formula. Government, religion, money. Since the first humans we have sought to dominate one another because of our animal instincts. Not sure why this trait has still existed but we need to move past an authoritarian state and open the world up to free living. The biggest hurdle in doing this is having to find another outlet for men and women who are weak minded. Best way for me to describe this is men or women who are politicians, religious leaders and other people who look to control others. I say those professions because they encompass a large majority of people who have this trait. We’ve tricked ourselves into thinking mainstream politics and religion are normal but they are just the longest “con” going. They have been ingrained since the beginning so nobody has thought otherwise, or if they had they were called crazy or witches or just never heard from again. When did freedom for all turn into a boot on your neck forcing you to open your wallet and empty it. With Covid and the lockdowns and people not working for sometime the “veil” was lifted a bit and a lot of people noticed that life would still go on if you didn’t have to work 60hrs a week for pennies breaking your body. We also saw that people in authority positions, management positions and anyone not blue collar are just people too, not gods. Most higher ups have no idea what they are doing and have resorted to over working their best employees and then scoffing at the idea of giving them a raise, even after their workload has tripled since covid and they are doing three other peoples job because management can’t hire anyone to fill those positions. When you have a 22 year old with a degree and no job experience trying to manage employees who have decades of experience doing that job, what do you think is gonna happen. Nobody is going to work. Society is completely controlled by advertisers and media. Someone on tv says fight for your country, people join the military. Another person says go to college, college attendance rises. Free thinking is not rewarded because it goes against the big three advertisers. Government, religion and money. We as humans have been conditioned to be victims to society and corporate greed. How did we let advertisers and politicians become the faces of our world. We need to stop letting everyone take advantage of the hard work that the lower and middle class do for this planet. We break our bones and mental health so a few people can enjoy their lives without having to put in their share of the work. STOP BEING STUPID!!!

Submitted June 23, 2023 at 09:08PM by DrVelvetFog https://ift.tt/OjmrGRc


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