The Final USD Price

The Legend, Hal Finney, in 2009 predicted a price for BTC if it were to become the world's dominate currency and calculated a price of $10 million USD per BTC. Amusing Thought Experiment

Since then, coins have been lost, fiat inflation has continued to do its thing but so has Bitcoin. So this brings me to my question, is Hal Finney's amusing thought experiment equal to the final USD price?

When BTC hits a USD price that makes it equal to the worlds wealth ($10 million USD in 2009), then the entire planet is denominated in Satoshi's. When every good or service can be paid for via Satoshi's and Dollar's is when we see Dollar's become irrelevant.

I feel that in the future Finney's Amusing Thought Experiment will be viewed as the Final USD Price. Arguably up there with E =MC2.

Submitted July 15, 2023 at 05:16PM by mikeb550


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