Does anyone else feel like that?
For me, Bitcoin stopped being an "investment" an became a moral obligation.
We all know money is time. You sacrifice some of your limited time on earth to work and make money you need to live. So when the government starts printing more money, they aren't simply stealing your wealth, no, much worse, they're stealing your time. Time you could have spent with your family, friends, pets or whoever is close to you.
So with that in mind, I kinda feel like I owe it to everyone I love to make sure no one can steal my time. Because if I don't do that, that means I don't respect my time and therefore don't respect the time I could've spent with them.
Bitcoin is arguably the only asset that can be compared to time in regards to scarcity.
So, I owe it to my future wife and kids, my animals, my friends, my siblings and parents and of course myself to stack as many sats as I possibly can.
Money obviously isn't everything. But time is. I think it's hard to fully comprehend how important your time is. There is so much going on in this world and in our lives that we only recognize that when it's already too late.
So, stay humble and stack sats!
Submitted October 28, 2023 at 07:08PM by JohnCena_770
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