Im so glad i DCA for last 2 years

People who were too scared or didn't want to invest when BTC was 15-25k are now praying for price to go down to 30k so they can "fomo in".In 2 years when BTC goes above 100k(maybe yes, maybe no) there will be guys who were too scared to "fomo in" when BTC was at 35-40k.

Congratz to all who have been DCA for last 2 years. I was one of them, it wasn't easy though but i glad i did. After buying at 58k in 2021, after almost 2 years of DCA my average is now 24k. It feels good..

I know we're probably still going down a bit after this pump but its good to see some green and overall optimism😁

Submitted November 09, 2023 at 08:28PM by neda6117


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