Like anyone who holds bitcoin and what it represent dear, I am VERY pissed off with the current mining situation. That virtually a single player can cause so many problems is seriously annoying, to say the least, and I, too, have this desire to "just stick it to Jihan", somehow. But a change of PoW is not the answer. A change of PoW is guaranteed to piss a lot of people off. Many more than just Jihan Wu. A change of PoW means destroying a massive amount of investment, quite possibly in the $$$ billions . Everything Bitmain invested with all their clients, some of which certainly DON'T want to attack the network. The $300m investment by Japanese GMO, which will bring a much needed breath of fresh air. And who knows, perhaps Intel, Nvdia, AMD, ARM or others are quietly working on a SHA256 ASIC. All of this investment, gone. All these people, pissed off. SERIOUSLY pissed off. What about the community reaction? If you think everyone, individuals and businesses, would st...