A year ago on Aug 24 2017, the mining difficulty and hash rate was considered to be off the charts high. The network was battle tested for over 8 years and the hashpower just kept increasing nearly the whole time. 1 year ago the the idea of becoming a profitable miner required a seriously major investment...I recall thinking that "this hash rate rate can't possibly continue to climb at this rate, it MUST be near the max." 3 days ago was Aug 24 2018...a full year later and the Bitcoin mining difficulty increased to 6,727,225,469,722....One year earlier it was 888,171,856,257 you see how many times it doubled in the last year? The predicted increase for the next adjustment is 7.1%!! Now a 7.1% increase of last years difficulty level is considered a lot, but 7.1% of the current level is like adding 50% to what it was a year ago. That's hard to comprehend it's so high, and this is a bear market, right? Who could be investing so heavily into mining? The power of th...