A fun way to keep track of the BTC/USD price
I was looking on the web for something which showed the bitcoin price using funny animations, but could not find anything. So I decided to code something myself: A biker who rides on a landscape the curvature of which follows the BTC/USD price live: https://www.thebitcoinrider.com/ https://preview.redd.it/y9g3orm3igw51.png?width=718&format=png&auto=webp&s=feba54d26da3e74fa255c88e0727c95318644f27 I just started this out and would be glad to get some feedback, before refining the implementation. One thing that I'm presently thinking to introduce are background landscapes which show the price at different time frames. Also, I would be curious to know if something like that already existed on the web. Submitted October 31, 2020 at 09:25PM by ChartInsights https://ift.tt/3mA4WKw