Facts -BitPay has, as of March 3rd, 2019, requested that FirstView Financial, LLC, the issuers of their PrePaid Visa Debit Cards (for which BitPay users hold a bank account), halt ALL access to cash held in its users accounts, except for signature purchases at a merchant. This includes all cash-back transactions, ACH transfers to another Bank Account, and ALL ATM WITHDRAWLS. -FirstView Financial, LLC is insisting that BitPay is in fact in control of this- however, as BitPay only serves as a means of exchange, they can only request that this action be taken by the Card Issuers. FirstView Financial has obliged this request. -BitPay is stating that this is due to a "Systems Upgrade" being completed to make transactions smoother. However, after 3 weeks, neither BitPay nor FirstView Financial, LLC is able to give an estimate as to when these "Systems Upgrades" will be completed. BitPay has convinced FirstView Financial, LLC to make false statements regarding the true...