(This is not a story of me losing faith in bitcoin. The opposite.) I first got involved in bitcoin in around 2013. I bought my first bitcoin for about $120. From 2014-2017, I did one of the smartest things I've ever done, and set up an automatic weekly buy of $50, telling myself that this was money I wasn't going to touch EVER. Bitcoin morpheus and all that. Early last year things started getting...nervous for me. The few thousand dollars became >$10,000, and I started thinking "holy shit, I have more than $10,000 of magic internet money. I am an idiot not to sell this!?", but I just held strong, reminding myself that I was a hodler. I was in this for the long haul, and I wasn't fucking selling. In November/December things started getting really nuts, as my holdings ballooned (I also had a non-insignificant amount of ethereum), to around $200,000. My wife, who is extremely supporting of me, was completely supportive of me hodling through EVERYTHING. I st...