Today the iPhone 15 is being released at a price of roughly $800 to $1100 each with better than projected orders by retailers. I'm willing to bet, based on past trends, that the iPhone 15 will be cheaper a year from now, just like every other phone ever. And yet, people are buying them. Today. Weird. Don't these people know that it'll be cheaper to buy an iPhone 15 next year? Why would they spend their money now when it's going to be cheaper a year from now? Are they being directed by a central authority to buy consumer goods now instead of waiting so the economy doesn't crash in a downward spiral from a lack of spending? I'm sure this is just a fluke and doesn't apply to other consumer goods like cars, TVs, boats, computers, kitchen appliances, Fluke multimeters, (and as King Mongkut of Siam once said), "etcetera, etcetera, etcetera." There really seems to be a dichotomy between the deflationary argument against Bitcoin and peoples actual p...